
HiMM X Taiwan Extra Pages เพิ่มจำนวนหน้า ‖ 18+【PHOTO】

“Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton

In life, we have to face with a lot of obstacles and unexpected challenges. Sometimes, you’ll feel like it’s not going to be over or you’ll just want to stop trying. I want you to remember this when you’re dealing with these difficulties, there’s a solution to every problem. You’ll just have to find a way to figure it out. Some issues take time to solve, be patient. Some troubles take someone with more experience to fix, go get help. Remember that nothing is impossible unless you give up and rainbows always appear after the rain.

HiMM X features , a very sexy guy, Nick Nolte. His mother is Thai and his father is German. Nick grew up in Germany and recently moved back to live in Bangkok, Thailand. He has some background in IT but he’s focusing on his modelling career at the moment. Nick takes his workout schedules very seriously and it shows. Every muscle in his body is hard and solid. He has beautiful brown skin tone with a strong jawline to die for. Even though he is very muscular, he has a gentle mind. He likes to pat puppies and really cares about people around him. If one says “Nobody’s perfect”, I think Nick is pretty damn close to perfection.

River Kanjanakrit



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