幫助文檔(Help document):



Regarding the registration and use of the account is a very basic question, so I won’t repeat it here.


檔案的存儲和購買(File storage and purchase):



Archives can be purchased individually, or unlimited downloads can be added to related subscription members.



The file download address is a direct link address, no need to open or use any network hard disk.


如果購買的檔案出現地址錯誤或者解壓密碼錯誤,請到提交工單或者(Email:[email protected])告訴我們,我們會在72小時內處理。

If the purchased file has the wrong address or the wrong password, please comment or (Email:[email protected]) tell us, we will process it within 72 hours.


如果在儲值過程中出現未到賬情況,請到提交工單或者(Email:[email protected])告訴我們,我們會在72小時內處理。

If there is an unpaid account during the recharge process, please comment or (Email:[email protected]) tell us, we will deal with it within 72 hours.


其他更多未解釋的問題,都可以通過提交工單或者(Email:[email protected])和我們取得聯絡。

For more unexplained questions, you can contact us through (Email:[email protected]).





